Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Good Reads [May 2012]

I haven't read near as much lately as I'd like, but here are a few of my recent reads that I loved!

  • Jane Eyre - I downloaded this book free on my Kindle and had no idea what to expect, but I loved this book. It was a beautiful story, and I was riveted from beginning to end. You should read it. Especially if you enjoy books like Pride and Prejudice.
  • Hunger Games Series - I know this is all the rage right now with the movie and all. I read this series a couple years ago, and then am reading them again this year along with my husband. I enjoyed them the first time through, but I have to say, I like them even more the second time. (We read Hunger Games on our recent trip to Florida, and Catching Fire on our next trip. Hoping to read Mockingjay on our summer trip to the coast.)
What books have you enjoyed reading so far this year?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Free (or Cheap) Summer Activities with Kids

As the end of the school year is upon us, I'm working on putting together a list of things that the kids and I can do over the summer to make it fun, educational, and memorable. I'll continue to add to this list, but I'd love to hear your plans too!


  • Public Library - I have to say that for a long time, I completely underestimated our public library. The past couple years the kids and I have really enjoyed visiting the library once every week or two for their weekly story times. Not only do they engage the kids with stories, but also music and craft time. They have different times for each age group so that your toddler isn't having to sit through an elementary age stories/activities, etc. In addition to these weekly activities, the library hosts several plays and other special events that are a blast. And FREE! 
  • Bowling - Check Kids Bowl Free to see if a local alley near  you offers free bowling for kids during the summer. I signed up last week, and this week there are coupons for two free games per kid for every day of the week! There's still shoe rentals, but at just a couple bucks each, you could easily enjoy a fun afternoon bowling for around $5-10.
  • Swimming - we are fortunate enough to have a neighborhood pool that I will be taking advantage of for much of the summer. It's free, it's a great way to cool off, and it totally wears my kids out!
  • The Park (and Sonic Happy Hour) - There comes a point here in Texas where going to the park (unless it's early in the morning) is just too hot to go to the park. But for now, my kids love going to the playground and running around like crazy for a while. If Happy Hour is near, we'll stop by and pick up a drink or slushy to keep us cool. Love those half priced drinks!
  • Movies - Most movie theaters offer free or $1 movies for kids and families on certain days of the week. Check out your local theater to see what deals they have going!
  • Reading - now that my kids are getting older, they're enjoying reading more. Start a series together and make it fun! Also, sign your kids up for summer reading programs in your area so they can earn free books. My kids loved this last summer. Check out this post on 2012 reading programs.
  • Imagination Box - I haven't done this with my kids yet, but right now I'm collecting completely random items in a shoe box to prepare for it (toilet paper rolls, ribbons, rubber bands, etc.). On days when the kids are saying "I'm bored!", I'll hand them the box and tell them to make/build/invent whatever they want with the items in the box. My eight year old daughter came across the box the other and said, "Ooooh, can I have this?!" I think it'll be a hit. Cost: FREE!
  • Quiet Time Boxes - I came across these on Pinterest and thought they were the greatest idea (for younger and older kids), and I wish I had come across them sooner! Create several boxes with small toys, notepads, stickers, blocks, etc. so that your child can entertain himself for a while each day.
  • Scavenger Hunt - I have not yet done this for my kids yet, but I remember my mom putting together scavenger hunts for my sister and I during the summer. She'd write up clues and hide them all over our back yard that ultimately led us to our "treasure". I have no recollection of what the treasure ever was, but we LOVED the adventure!
  • Cooking - Why not get in the kitchen and teach your kids how to cook. Let them plan the menu for dinner and help make it. Or bake cookies and then deliver them to neighbors, nursing homes, or dad's office!
  • Gardening - We started a garden this year, and I've been amazed how much my kids love it. They go out every morning to see what's growing.
What are your favorite affordable summer activities?

Tomato Basil Pizza

I love pizza. It's one of my go-to meals after a long day. And while I love the convenience of picking up a pizza from Domino's, I've realized that putting together my own pizza is not really that much more time consuming AND (depending on the toppings) it feeds our family of four for around $3. Can't beat that! The possibilities are endless with the toppings too. It seems I can always find something to throw on top of a pizza, whether it's leftover chicken or pepperoni. This is my favorite pizza recipe from the Pioneer Woman's Cookbook, only I've been using whole wheat flour (which surprisingly, our family likes better).

  • 1 teaspoon Active Dry Or Instant Yeast 
  • 4 cups Whole Wheat Flour 
  • 1 teaspoon Kosher Salt 
  • 1/3 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil


  • Pesto (to taste. I usually use 1/2 small jar)
  • 2-3 Roma Tomatoes
  • 6-8 oz. Fresh Mozzarella (the shredded stuff works fine too)
  • Chicken, cooked (optional)
  • Fresh Basil leaves (optional)
Drizzle olive oil on a large baking sheet and use fingers to coat thoroughly. Remove HALF the pizza dough from the bowl. Stretch pizza dough into a large rectangle, pressing with fingers to finish forming. Dough will be very thin.

Sprinkle yeast over 1 1/2 cups warm (not lukewarm) water. In a mixer, combine flour and salt. With the mixer running on low speed (with paddle attachment), drizzle in olive oil until combined with flour. Next, pour in yeast/water mixture and mix until just combined.
Coat a separate mixing bowl with a light drizzle of olive oil, and form the dough into a ball. Toss to coat dough in olive oil, then cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap and store in the fridge until you need it. 
Preheat oven to 500. 
Lightly drizzle a little olive oil on the dough and use fingers to spread on baking sheet/stone. Spread pesto over the surface of the crust. Thinly slice tomatoes and layer on top of the pesto, then cover with cheese (and basil, if you like).
Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until crust is golden brown and the cheese is bubbly. Remove from pan and slice with a pizza cutter. Serve immediately! (A little freshly grated parmesan will also kick this up a notch!)