Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentines Day! I just got the kids off to school a while ago with their giddy hearts and bags of treats. Typically for Valentines Day, the kids and I stop at Target one afternoon so they can pick their box-o-Valentines. But this year, (inspired by this that I found on Pinterest) I decided we'd make our own Valentine cards, and (even with me putting it off until 5:00pm on February 13th) it was pretty easy!

  1. Grab your camera and head go outside with the kids. Find a nice backdrop and have them pose with their fists out towards the camera. (Full disclosure: this portion took me the longest. My kids were being total goofballs and couldn't stand still!)
  2. Go download your photos and pick the best of each kid. Using Photoshop or something similar, add text and/or decorations to the photo.
  3. Send to your favorite photo lab (I like MPix, but in this case since I procrastinated so long, I sent them to CVS 1-hour photo).
  4. While waiting on the prints to be ready, go pick up whatever treats you'd like to attach. We opted for pencils, since no candy was allowed, but suckers and such could work equally well.
  5. Once you have the pics in hand, sit down with a pair of scissors or a pen knife, and carefully cut slits at the top and bottom of the kids' hands.
  6. Put the pencil (or sucker) through, and you're done! I promise you'll have very happy kids!

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