Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Holey Jeans

Boys play hard. At least my boy does. He is forever jumping, falling, sitting, and sliding on his knees, and it shows. Anytime I buy him new jeans, they only last about a month before the knees (particularly the right one) of his jeans totally give out.

Needless to say, this gets expensive.

So the other day his newest pair ripped, and I'd had it. I got online in search of some sort of solution (because trying to get a five year old not to be so hard on his knees is next to impossible). Luckily, I came upon this idea from The Frugal Girls, and yesterday I decided to give it a try. I bought two sets of patches (just over $1 each) and two pairs of jeans. I ironed the patches onto the inside of the jeans, and behold, we have jeans with reinforced knees! If this works, I am STOKED.

When I posted about his jeans on Facebook, I guessed by all the comments that this is a pretty widespread problem. Do you have any tricks to extend the life of your kids' jeans?

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